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Server to Server - Bank Transfer


Server-to-Server ("S2S") integration allows running payments on the server level without direct interaction between the client’s browser or application and API.

Step 1: Initiate Purchase

The first step in accepting bank transfer payments is to call the /purchases endpoint below. The return object will include the direct_post_url parameter. This parameter will be used in the next step.





  brand_id: '409eb80e-3782-4b1d-afa8-b779759266a5'
  client: {
    email: '[email protected]', 
  purchase: {
    currency: 'NGN',
    products: [
        name: 'Dog food Max',
        quantity: 1, 
        price: 9000

Step 2: Generate One Time Account

The next step is to retrieve a one time virtual account. Subsequently, the client will execute a transfer using the precise amount indicated in the first step to the account number acquired in this step.


  "s2s": "true",
  "pm": "sarepay_bank_transfer"

Sample Response Body


  "data": {
    "account_number": "77777777",
    "account_name": "Test Onetime",
    "bank": "Wema",
    "status": "Active",
    "type": "Corporate",
    "expires_at": "2023-09-04 00:21:48",
    "validity_type": "Onetime"

Step 4: Verify Payment

When the system receives payment, you'll be notified via a webhook. You can also query the https://gate.qorepay.com/api/v1/purchases/{id} endpoint to get the payment status.