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How to set up WooCommerce plugin

Download Plugin


QorePay's standard payment flow empowers merchants to utilize a hosted and secure payments page. Merchants can seamlessly guide their customers to initiate and complete payments through this purpose-built interface.

Download zip file of WooCommerce plugin.

Log in to your WordPress admin panel and go to “Plugins” -> “Add New”.

Step 2
Select “Upload Plugin”, choose the zip file you downloaded in step 1, and press “Install Now”.

Step 3
Activate the plugin:

Step 4

Important: If you are not able to install the plugin in this way, please follow WordPress instructions for manual plugin installation

Go to “Plugins” -> “Installed Plugins”, find “Qorepay E-Commerce Gateway”, and press “Settings”.

Step 5
After contract signing with Qorepay, you should have “Brand ID” and “Secret key”. Enter those values in settings. Make sure you have checked “Enable API” and save changes.

Step 6

Additional Information

efe If “Enable payment method selection” is set at plugin settings, buyer at checkout process will be able to select payment method directly in e-shop. If you want to change text “Select Payment Method”, enter preferred text in field “Change payment method title” at plugin settings:

Step 1

efe If “Enable payment method selection” is NOT set at plugin settings, buyer will be able to select payment method after redirect from e-shop to Qorepay E-Commerce Gateway page. If you want to change text “Choose payment method on next page”, enter preferred text in field “Change payment method description” at plugin settings:

Step 2