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Send an invoice to one or several clients



Use this endpoint to send a one time invoice(-s). Provide all data of a BillingTemplate (see Schemas below) and, additionally, an array of one or more BillingTemplateClients in clients . Purchases will be created and invoices sent, one for every Client you have specified.

A BillingTemplate won't be created; if you need to be able to issue repeated, similar invoices, see POST /billing_templates/ and POST /billing_templates/{id}/send_invoice/ .

Note that unlike for other requests where you can send BillingTemplate data (like POST /billing_templates/ ), title andis_subscription are read-only for POST /billing/.


  • authorization



    Set value to BEARER SECRET_KEY

  • content-type



    Set value to JSON


  • clients



    Contains details about the clients you're sending this invoice to.





    ID of the Client object to add to the BillingTemplate. Read-only after the BillingTemplateClient has been created. Note that the same Client can be added to a BillingTemplate several times.



    Connects a Client object to a BillingTemplate having is_subscription = true to store information about a single subscriber. You will be able to pause an individual subscription client's cycle by PATCH-ing its' status field to the value of subscription_paused.



    When present overrides reference for invoices generated for this client



    [pending, inactive, active, subscription_paused]

    default = inactive

    For subscriptions, you can edit (PATCH/billing_templates/{id}/clients/{id}/) this status between active and subscription_paused values to pause the client's subscription. Paused subscriptions run as normal, except for purchases not being created and invoices sent for them. It means that if you pause a BillingTemplateClient's monthly subscription cycle a day before the billing date, the next day the invoice will not be issued; but, if you unpause the client a day after the planned billing would have taken place, the planned billing in a month (minus one day) will happen as usual.



    An optional whitelist of payment methods availble for purchases generated for this BillingTemplateClient. Copied 1:1 to Purchase.payment_method_whitelist field on created Purchases (see its description).

    Payment method name as returned by GET/payment_methods/.



    default: true

    Sends invoice when subscription charge fails if this istrue



    default: false

    Sends invoice when POST /billing_templates/{id}/add_subscriber/ is called if this is true



    default: true

    Sends receipt when subscription charge succeeds if this is true

  • purchase



    Core information about the Purchase, including the products, total, currency and invoice fields. If you're using invoicing via /billing/ or /billing_templates/, this object will be copied 1:1 from BillingTemplate you specify to the resulting Purchases (also to subscription Purchases).

  • is_subscription



    Defines whether this BillingTemplate issues invoices in a recurring manner - it's a subscription - or it sends invoices only once. You can't change this parameter when you edit the BillingTemplate. If this field is true , you will need to specify subscription_* fields and invoice_* fields are read-only, and vice-versa.

  • brand_id


    string ID of the brand to create this BillingTemplate for. You can copy it down in the API section.

  • title


  • number_of_billing_cycles


    Limits number of billing cycles for each client if set to a non-zero value

  • invoice_issued

    string($ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD))

    Sets issued on the Purchase objects generated. Generated from current day in purchase.timezone if not provided. Read-only if is_subscription == true.

  • invoice_due

    integer($Unix timestamp (seconds)))

    e.g :1619740800

    Sets due on the Purchase objects generated. Required ifis_subscription == false, read-only otherwise.

  • invoice_send_receipt


    default: false

    Sets send_receipt on the Purchase objects generated. true by default (unlike in Purchases API, where by default receipts are not sent). Read-only if is_subscription == true.

  • subscription_period


    min: 1 max: 256

    Defines how often are the subscription Purchases generated. Used together with subscription_period_units: to issue Purchases once a month, use "...period" : 1 and"...period_units" == "months".

    Variable number of days in a month is respected; e.g. if subscription has a period of 1 month, a client had its billing cycle activated on January 30 and there are 28 days in February that year - billing scheduled for February will happen on 28th.

    Both fields are required when creating a BillingTemplate with is_subscription == true/editing a BillingTemplate withis_subscription == true as long as there aren't any launched subscribers; they are read-only otherwise, whether it's BillingTemplate's editing when there already are clients activated or if is_subscription == false.

  • subscription_period_units


    [ days, weeks, months ]

    default: months

    See subscription_period.

  • subscription_due_period


    min: 1 max: 256

    default: 7

    Used to generate due on the Purchase objects generated. Used together with subscription_due_period_units: to set the final Purchase.due to a week after it's generated/invoice is sent, use "...period" : 1 and"...period_units" == "weeks". Required if is_subscription == true, read-only otherwise.

  • subscription_due_period_units


    [ days, weeks, months ]

    default: days

    See subscription_due_period.

  • subscription_charge_period_end


    default: false

    If this is true, clients are charged at the end of billing periods, and vice-versa. E.g. if you add a subscriber client to a BillingTemplate, with this value being set to false , he will receive first invoice today, otherwise - after a single billing period (defined bysubscription_period / subscription_period_units) passes.

    Required when creating a BillingTemplate withis_subscription == true/editing a BillingTemplate withis_subscription == true as long as there aren't any launched subscribers; read-only otherwise, whether it's BillingTemplate's editing when there already are clients activated or if is_subscription == false.

  • subscription_trial_periods


    minimum: 0maximum: 256

    How many trial periods to give the client prior to starting his billing cycle. If billing period is 1 month and you set this value to 2, subscription will automatically adjust to giving your client 2 months without payments and then charging him for the 3rd month (when exactly depends onsubscription_charge_period_end: 3 months after the subscriber was launched for false, 4 for true)."subscription_trial_periods": 0 disables this feature.

    Required when creating a BillingTemplate withis_subscription == true/editing a BillingTemplate withis_subscription == true as long as there aren't any launched subscribers; read-only otherwise, whether it's BillingTemplate's editing when there already are clients activated or if is_subscription == false.

  • subscription_active


    default: false

    Whether this subscription is paused. Has the same effect as setting "status": "subscription_paused" for every BillingTemplateClient launched for this subscription, see the description of status on BillingTemplateClient for more details.

    ignore (read-only) if is_subscription == false.

  • force_recurring


    default: false

    If the used payment method supports recurring payment functionality, forces the customer's payment credentials to be saved for possible later recurring payments, without giving the customer a choice in the matter.


  • 200


  • 400

    Invalid data submitted or request processing error



  "clients": [
      "client_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "invoice_reference": "string",
      "status": "inactive",
      "payment_method_whitelist": [
      "send_invoice_on_charge_failure": true,
      "send_invoice_on_add_subscriber": false,
      "send_receipt": true
  "purchase": {
    "currency": "str",
    "products": [
        "name": "string",
        "quantity": "1",
        "price": 0,
        "discount": 0,
        "tax_percent": "0",
        "category": "string"
    "language": "en",
    "notes": "string",
    "debt": 0,
    "subtotal_override": null,
    "total_tax_override": null,
    "total_discount_override": null,
    "total_override": null,
    "request_client_details": [],
    "timezone": "Europe/Oslo",
    "due_strict": false
  "number_of_billing_cycles": 0,
  "brand_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "title": "string",
  "is_subscription": true,
  "invoice_issued": "2020-04-30",
  "invoice_due": 1619740800,
  "invoice_skip_capture": false,
  "invoice_send_receipt": false,
  "subscription_period": 1,
  "subscription_period_units": "months",
  "subscription_due_period": 7,
  "subscription_due_period_units": "days",
  "subscription_charge_period_end": false,
  "subscription_trial_periods": 0,
  "subscription_active": false,
  "force_recurring": false,

Sample Response

